Where The Sun Shines Brightly by J M Greenway

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The second book by Jocelyn Greenway is called 'Where The Sun Shines Brightly' with a sub-title 'Some Greenway Family Adventures 1939 to 1987' and was published in 2011.

Jocelyn loved adventures and she wrote articles about them. This book incorporates a story from 1939 with war imminent, Jocelyn with her future husband Robert and two friends went mountain walking in Norway. It includes the family's skiing in Austria in the 1950s, and how in 1958 Robert, Jocelyn and their three children travelled 2000 miles across the Alps on Lambretta scooters.

Then in 1959 the family emigrated to Australia.  The packing up, the voyage itself and the places they visited on the way, plus many camping trips, and helping out on an island sheep station - Jocelyn continued to make adventures happen and wrote about them. Many of her published articles and journals are here in ‘Where The Sun Shines Brightly’, all illustrated by her husband Robert with his wonderful sketches and photographs.

The chapter called 'Home Thoughts From The Broads' tells of two sailing trips on The Broads in 1949 and 1950. In 1951 the family moved to Parkstone in Dorset and here they first bought a 14-ft Lymington Pram called Tercia.  Another chapter, 'Bivouacing In The Dinghy', tells of their two week adventure sailing in the Solent. By their own admission they had a lot to learn and they had a near catastrophe in the process.

'Where The Sun Shines Brightly' has 224 pages and is a full colour A5 paperback.  There are 12 maps, 76 photographs and 32 illustrations. The ISBN Number is 978-0-9561469-2-2.

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